“You feel you’re letting down a friend,” said Reine-Marie.
“Partly, but I run a bookstore,” said Myrna, looking at the row upon row of books, lining the walls and creating corridors in the open space. (The Nature of the Beast, Chapter 4)
Founded in 1998, Brome Lake Books is a little village bookstore with a lovingly curated collection of new titles and old favorites for the discerning booklover. Local authors and books on the area are featured in their own section. A special area in the bargain basement is dedicated to raising money for the community hospital through second hand book sales. Wooden shelves made by a local craftsman line the walls. Lower units in the middle of the room are fitted with casters for smooth movement along the hardwood floors (you do have to be prepared for those impromptu dance parties). Large bay windows overlook the park and the river in the heart of the loyalist village of Knowlton.
A reading area is dedicated to Louise Penny with a little wood stove and a mantle above to display Louise’s books, Three Pines café-au-lait mugs and a decanter of licorice pipes. On the wall is a framed copy of the Three Pines Inspirational map. A braided rug made by a friend’s mother with two cozy arm chairs and a little coffee table complete the area. Lining the top of the bookshelves are samples of Louise Penny’s books in various languages.
Owners, husband and wife, Lucy Hoblyn and Danny McAuley may be found puttering around the store on most days. Daily they walk to work with their three year old Portuguese sheepdog, Watson, or the big hairy carpet as he is often called. Watson is the official greeter at Brome Lake Books and he has many friends that stop by for a friendly wag. Their three boys Angus (age 18), Adam (age 15) and Benjamin (age 9) have all grown up with the bookstore and have inherited a love of reading; the very best gift a parent can give.
Last April, Brome Lake Books moved into the next door building and were overwhelmed by all the generous help that they received. Thirty friends, neighbors and customers turned up to carry boxes and boxes of books and heavy shelves. A book club prepared a sumptuous picnic lunch for all to share. One of the happy helpers was none other than Louise Penny herself. Everyone was smiling and jovial then someone starting singing their A,B,C’s as it helped put the books in alphabetical order. It was a very Three Pines day.
One of the great pleasures at Brome Lake Books is having the chance to meet and correspond with the many fans of Louise Penny. Whether it be Arleen from Texas, Diana from Nova Scotia or Andrea from Australia, Louise always has the best fans. Louise inspires us to be kind, caring and thoughtful people. Her books are more about love and community than murder; more about art, poetry and food than crime. More about living than dying. Vive Gamache, Vive Louise!
“So often, a visit to a bookshop has cheered me, and reminded me that there are good things in the world.” ― Vincent van Gogh
[…] our Re-Read led by Laura Cok. You can also learn more about the real-life inspirations behind the settings and cultural references in the book, try a recipe the characters enjoy in The Nature of the Beast, […]
[…] our Re-Read led by Laura Cok. You can also learn more about the real-life inspirations behind the settings and cultural references in the book, try a recipe the characters enjoy in The Nature of the Beast, […]
My message just got gobbled up. Here I go again.. Have just finished rereading All the Devils are Here as I recommended it to my book club.
I have read and loved every novel especially the use of Poetry.
Louise and I lost our Husbands at the same time her messages of empathy and courage touched me deeply. She was no longer an Author but a friend.
Where can I get a map of Three Pines please..
All the Devils are Here.. I have just reread the novel as I recommended it to my Book club. Could not believe that they did not know her work. I enjoy every word especially finding her use of poetry in her novels. We both lost our husbands in the same year. Louise courage and empathy have touched me greatly.
I will make it to your bookstore as soon as I can. Thank you for bring there. How can I get a Three Pines Map???? Helen
[…] doesn’t appear on any map. However, many of the locations in Louise’s novels are inspired by real places in the Eastern Townships of […]
[…] doesn’t appear on any map. However, many of the locations in Louise’s novels are inspired by real places in the Eastern Townships of […]
[…] Sur les routes du crime avec Louise Penny : Tout le Québec a entendu parlé d’elle en août 2017 , elle avait invité la famille Clinton à North Hatley, au Manoir Hovey pour plus d’une semaine. Journaliste à CBC, elle prend une retraite jeune, et de Sutton ou elle demeure, elle écrit des livres policiers, qui sont devenus des succès mondiaux. Son inspecteur québécois Armand Gamache de la Sûreté du Québec est le héros de ses romans . Les livres de cette série lui ont valu six fois le prix Agatha pour le roman policier de l’année.Ses intrigues se situent soit à North Hatley, soit à Sutton ou encore dans la région de Brome, Knowlton, Magog sauf un qui se passe dans le Vieux -Québec. Toute notre équipe a commenté ses ouvrages, elle nous cite même dans ses livres notamment pour Sous la glace. 13 livres sont écrits, on en traduit un par année. Publiée dans vingt-cinq langues avec plus de 6 millions de livre vendus, et invariablement en tête des meilleures ventes aux États-Unis et au Canada, sa série Armand Gamache enquête a fait connaître le Québec et les Cantons-de-l’Est partout dans le monde. Déjà membre de l’Ordre du Canada, elle est aussi officière de l’Ordre national du Québec. Elle a son coin dans la librairie locale de Knowlton. La petite librairie qui a tout juste une décennie, a un nouveau local. Ma fille libraire, adore cette librairie, c’est un incontournable avec le bistro-pub du village, situé en face. Ils organisent des activités avec l’auteure, elle a son coin, avec ses livres dans les deux langues, quelques souvenirs comme des tasses, et le chien Watson surveille le tout .(Photo Il y a des livres neufs, mais la section de livres usagées, est mon coin préféré , en plus les profits sont pour l’hôpital local dans cette librairie unique. the-nature-of-the-beast-real-place […]
I visited Lake Brome Books in September of 2019 while traveling through Canada on my way to Maine. Stopping at the book store was one of the many highlights of my trip and will always be a very fond memory. I may even make a trip up from Wisconsin again just to visit the shop and enjoy some time in the village. If only I lived closer!
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Oh my………in your description : ” A reading area is dedicated to Louise Penny with a little wood stove and a mantle above to….” it should be MANTEL not MANTLE ( which is a garment)
If you dig deep enough, you’ll find that both spellings are OK.
thank sо a lot for yoսr internet site іt assists a whole lot.
Terrific content you have there.
How can I purchase the Gamache mugs?
I am trying to find the correct site to purchase some Three Pines merchandise, and am unsuccessful. Please help!!
Thank you so much!!
Taking a road trip from Chicago with my husband and I will definitely stop in. I’m a Louise Penny and Inspector Gamache fan. Can’t wait for the next book to come out.
How do I buy the vibe gamache mugs and the price?
I am reading Louise Penny’s newest book. I have moved into a very small cottage (downsizing) and when I walk my dog. I look at the “green” and all the houses on my street and assign to them “The Bistro,” “The B & B,” “Clara’s house,” “The Market” etc. I change them around as I can’t get my mental visuals quite right with the actual cottages on my street. Oh and we have Three pine trees on our green. I have read all of her books, have one she signed, seen her in person and when I finish the newest one, I am going to begin again. My question to you is can I possibly purchase the Three Pines map? Also, my husband (who loves her books too!) and I want to travel to the eastern district and also Quebec. We look forward to seeing your store.
Very cool idea, Teresa, walking around like that. Send me an email at
Can I get a copy of the Three Pines map? I’d be happy to pay for it, for postage, and for your time!
Many thanks.
Having gone to school in the Eastern Townships for five ( Kings Hall – now combined with Bishop’s College School where my father attended in the 1890’s ), I was thrilled when my librarian daughter-in- law introduced me to Louise Penny’s Books. What a delightful, wonderful mystery series, so well written, plots that keep you wondering what will happen around the next bend, the quaint town of Three Pines and its diverse inhabitants, a joy to read. Wish your book store was closer to my home in Oklahoma. !!!!