The Bistro

The Bistro

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Join us here in The Bistro for a discussion on the entire Gamache series. Feel free to ask or answer any questions about any of the books or the series as a whole.

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Thanks to Millie reminding me, I have TNOTB! It’s already the 25th in Australia! As the torrential rain and gales pour down outside I am about to start reading. I almost don’t want to because I don’t want it to be over. I know once I start it will go all too quickly.

You’re welcome! Think of it as the beginning of a new garden of cosmic speculation! I’m so looking forward to people’s insights and thoughts. Actually, I can’t wait to read it! So excited. So impatient. Enjoy.

Anna, Hope your Dad is much improved. Sam and his brother have gone to visit their Mother. She continues to fall. An alarm sounds when she gets out of bed or her chair. She falls when she stands so it has already happened when an attendant arrives. I hope they don’t complain again as there is only one sure remedy. I know they don’t want her restrained. At least I don’t. She fell so many times when she lived with her daughter but that didn’t seem to worry them.

Thanks Barbara. Dad is much improved. He just keeps bouncing back!

Good to hear Sam is mobile but not so good about his mother. You are correct though, falls are a tough one to prevent without being super restrictive.

Good luck with Windows. I have an Erin, my daughter. She is the solution to all problems technological. She just set up my new Mac and dads new Mac. Not sure if she is as PC savvy but she is pretty good.

Funny, I was using my new fancy food processor last night and Erin wasn’t home. Took my brother and I, five degrees between us in science, a bit of work to get the processor going. Erin normally sets it up for me!

Thanks Barbara, I think I do. She is about to go to the city with my brother in torrential rain so feeling a bit anxious! Weather appalling here.

Installed windows 10. Another bad idea. The bear is back to driving and walking as he wishes. Whatever. Would like to comment on posts but must figure the widows 10 out.

Hi Barbara. Glad to hear your bear’s surgery went well and he’s getting around on his own. Be gentle with yourself as you figure out the new update. I find learning new versions one of the most frustrating things around. Once one gets comfortable and feels confident and competent, they pull the rug out from under you.

I’m in somewhat the same boat – but mine is a switch from PC to Apple. I just have to remind myself it took me years to get good at using Windows XP. Yep, that old. Knew all the tricks. Now I feel like a newbie all over again. It’s takes time but I’m sure we’ll get there. I won’t be throwing away the ‘Switching from PC to Mac’ book any time soon!

Just lost long post about finding new homes for books. I’ve sold them at yard sales for $1 or less, given them to the Library, the VA Hospital, Kroc Center, Ethnic museums, Goodwill for sale in their book store, etc. I have many of my Uncle’s books still. My sister has 500+ books that were her husband’s. Many of my Uncle’s books had to be recycled….mold, mildew and attic storage had ruined them. How many books had to find a home when my Mother-in-law left her home? NONE. Oh, they did have Bible.

I’m sorry Barbara, but I actually snorted when I read your last few lines. Are you sure you weren’t describing my own Mother-in-law? The irony is she taught reading her entire career as a grade school teacher. May she rest in peace…

I agree with Millie – the approach I’ve taken is to only keep books that are important to me now. My goal is to not have any books in the house that I don’t love, but that will take a long time to achieve as my old philosophy was that books were “sacred” and you have to keep them, hahaha. I’ve donated a lot, but any that I think will be of interest to someone, I have on a list with Paperback swap club – so if someone wants to read them, I can send them to their new homes, and get points with which to “buy” other books that I only intend to read once and then put back on the list to swap. In a few years, I’ll have a small bookcase with these books in it, my Kindle, and one whole room full of important books – mostly about needlework.

I’m off this morning to Utah for a week’s worth of needlework classes – so I won’t be checking in until after I return home, next Monday. I’ll miss the first flurry of excitement over TNOTB, here in the Bistro, but I’ll be reading, as it will be delivered to my Kindle as soon as it’s ready. See you all soon!

I haven’t even gotten to the needlework books! And their magazines! Heaven help me. Lol

You’ll be missed, but have a wonderful time!

Hello all. Doesn’t seem I’ll have all my boxes of books emptied and shelved before Louise’s book arrives at my door, but I have made tremendous progress.

Cathryne, this may seem like blasphemy, but I took a cowardly approach. Maybe. We have an excellent recycle program with special recycle bins. That’s what I’ve done with many fiction books I read in the 80’s & 90’s and even some of my highlighted and annotated books from my University years which I read because it was part of the syllabus but which I didn’t like at all – the recycle bin. Many had gotten wet, or were so old they were falling apart. After I shed a lot of tears about it, my wish is that the paper becomes useful again. Someone mentioned previously that it was hard to enjoy what one loved ‘now’ when it was hidden under or behind stacks of old stuff.

That’s been my approach: does it interest me ‘now’. I actually have room now to put the children’s books in the bookcases. Before I know it the granddaughters will be reading or snuggling with Nana who’ll read to them.

I don’t think I could have done this before. Not before making such lovely human friends at the Bistro. Books are no longer my only constant friends. Thank you.

This is so tough Cathryne. I love books and struggle to let them go. When we moved and consolidated my parents home and ours over fifty boxes of books were given away but we still have way more than that. The books I have on kindle are ones I travel with, light reads, or books I can’t get easily in print. If I love a book, like Louise’s then I have both electronic and print versions.

Maybe get rid of books you don’t love or will never look at again. We try and give ours away to useful places. Maybe nursing homes or schools depending on the book. Some places have free lending libraries, book exchanges or sell online.

I know we are going to have to do another book cull in preparation for our overseas move and I am not looking forward to it!

The question I am pondering as I clear out possessions is in regards to books. Now that I am enjoying Kindle and Audible, I have begun to let books go. It is still a new idea for me, though. Each step is tentative. I would love to hear about the thinking of others.

Anna, I hope your Dad is feeling much better today. I’m so sorry that just as you were seeing a bit of a rest in store, another emergency has come along.. You need those rest times. Glad your brother is there to help. Sit in the bistro awhile and take some calming breaths and a nice cup of tea…

Good to hear you are having a breather Cathryne. It is so important. I am in need of a long one but not so easy to organise. My brother came yesterday and gave me a break from seeing mum then dad became seriously unwell last night. I am a bit weary after little sleep but he feels a little better today. High fever but looks more viral than anything. We changed catheter and gave antibiotics just in case. Sorry, probably more detail than you needed.

Love the blog. Glad Louise gave it her blessing. Have croissants for lunch as a treat. Just sent hubby to get them!

How are you Barbara? Remember to look after you too. Even f it’s a cup of tea and a quiet moment.i am channeling Reine Marie right now hoping for her calm and confidence!

Oh, I need to go look – I love The Night is a Strawberry for a cookbook name. I hope there’s lots of Quebec recipes in it… Sugar pie would be fun!

I’m fine Anna. My brother is here for a week from Colorado and helping with my mom, so I’m having some nice breathing time and my mom is thrilled. How are you and your family doing? I’ve been thinking about you especially since your post on the 12th and hoping things are better. I was touched by Louise’s not too long ago post sharing the ups and downs of her days with Michael and Alzeimer’s. She is such a wonderful model for making the most of the joy in, and always approaching, our lives and yet acknowledging the times of despair.

Barbara, I hope the Bear with a sore knee is able to do what he needs to do and that the end result is as fine as he hopes. I’ve been imagining Rosa quacking, quacking, quacking along behind you as you go about your caregiver duties. Ruth will make her way out of Cleckley as soon as she can.

I have loved all the advice and stories about downsizing and getting rid of the excess. We are not moving at this time, but I’m pretending that we are for extra encouragement. Some days it’s one small item dispensed with, some days it’s 20, but it is already giving us pleasure. Louise and Michael’s move has energized a lot of people, I think.

It looks like a Three Pines cookbook has been started! I love the name: The Night is a Strawberry! A lot of work seems to have gone into it already. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Wearing out my front door, looking to see if my map has been delivered!

Thanks for the update Barbara. Sorry the night was uncomfortable. Make sure Sam is wiggling his toes and contracting his calf muscles so he doesn’t get clots!

TNOTB is less than a week away now. Very exciting!

Hi All, Everything is going well. Not much sleep last night…Sam couldn’t get comfortable with the massive dressing and wrapping around his knee and down covering his foot. Too much I thought. He has taken most of it off now(with Dr.’s OK ) and can even walk a little without the crutches.
Have good weekend.

Good to hear things are going well Barbara. I love Cathryne’s description of Gabri and Ruth waiting with you.
Cathryne, are you ok?
Thinking of everyone. Sun shining here today. Warm for winter. Trying to relax and enjoy.

Julie, Anna, Cathryne thanks for your thoughts. Everything went according to plan and so far so good. He took pain pills about an hour ago.
I like the idea of sitting with Gabri and Ruth. I like the idea of holding Rosa. Ruth would have been whisked off to the Cleckley Building (Named for the local Dr. in The Three Faces of Eve) I fear.
Think I’ll visit the Bistro again later.

Barbara, I have been thinking about you through the day and hoping things are going well. The not so unusual time changes add to the stress.
I’ve been trying to imagine who would be good distractions or drive you to distraction as you wait. I decided on Gabri sitting on one side, commenting on the dull but comfortable-looking scrubs and Ruth on the other side, Rosa on your lap. What could go wrong?
Sending good thoughts to you and your understandably grumpy Bear.

Good luck to you and Sam, Barbara! I think you were saying he expected to be “back to normal” in three weeks, which is amazingly good! I know it’s a different thing, but my hubby has had both his knees done in total knee replacement surgeries. Those take longer, but even so, if you do the exercises both before and after, it truly does seem to be a remarkable recovery! He has no pain now – pain he’d lived with since he was 17. It seems like a miracle to him.

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